What do Google Algorithms, Mobile & Local Optimization and Your Business Have in Common?
If you have a website for your business, chances are you’ve heard of Google algorithms or their nicknames like Panda, Hummingbird or Penguin. If not, you probably have noticed that sometimes your website is visible in search, and sometimes it isn’t. The hard and fast of it is, Google algorithms are the math-based elements that drive search potential and they change hundreds of times a year, with a few “big” changes happening throughout. There is no absolute rhyme or reason to the scheduled changes except that Google is always innovating and looking to improve the UX, user experience, via their browser. At this stage in the game, user engagement and response drive your search potential, which means how your site visitors interact with your website and pages is crucial to your ability to improve your market share online. Google makes these changes so the right people can find the right businesses online when and how they want to. The algorithms define the building blocks your web platform needs to use to support your digital brand’s search potential. So, I ask again. What do Google Algorithms, Mobile & Local Optimization and Your Business (and your ability to make money) Have in Common? Everything. With more than 87% of people using the internet to find products, services and partners for their needs, a business that is not paying attention to their digital brand is losing business. Further, any business not paying attention to their web platform’s compliance with Google’s many and ever-changing algorithm focuses – like mobile-first indexing and local optimization is losing ground to the companies that are, which means less market-share (a/k/a/ money) for you. Did you know that a website should load in under 3 seconds on a mobile device to be compliant to Google guidelines? How about the fact that, according to Google, 53% of site visitors abandon a mobile site that takes more than 3 seconds to load? And one more to drive it home – 62% of people who have a poor interaction with a brand on a mobile phone or tablet will not return to the website. What’s so important about local optimization, then, you ask? Mobile lead the local optimization need. When your client is on the street or in your vicinity, they should be able to find your office via search when they’re nearby. Have you checked on your local listings – like Google Maps, lately? What’s the Bottom Line? If your website is not compliant with the latest and upcoming Google algorithm updates, you’re losing out on business and losing position in SERPs. These algorithm updates are not a shock to digital marketers who have been watching the search results adapt to the latest technology uses and user behaviors. Mobile devices are not going away, so local and mobile will continue to be a focus for search performance potential, using user engagement (do they click on your sites and pages) and lead generation (do they call, chat, email or stop in) as performance criteria. Ensure that your digital brand and properties, website, social platforms, local listings, etc. are hitting the markers Google has set to be able to drive business for your company. Need help? We’ll do a free audit of your digital program and let you know if there are any gaps in the bridge leading your leads to your business.